
7 Domains of Self-Care – Why Self-Care is Essential to Better Overall Health

Self-care has many definitions and interpretations depending on who we ask or where we look. One thing all definitions agree on is the part that actually matters, that practicing self-care is taking action to better our own health. We all have our own reasons for wanting to be healthier. Our individual reasons actually make a huge difference in how we treat ourselves, approach our health, and practice self-care.

Benefits of Drinking a Tall Glass of Water Every Morning

If you want to start making healthy changes, I have an easy one for you today. Leave a tumbler or bottle of water on your nightstand each night before you go to sleep. When you wake up each morning start your day off by drinking the water you left on your nightstand the night before. THAT’S IT!!

Weekly Meal Planning Could Literally Change Your Life!

Meal planning is a simple act of blocking out some time to plan your meals in advance. Don’t let meal planning scare you. You can begin with as much or as little deal and meals as you like and grow from there. The goal is to have an idea for each meal, so you are not starting from zero. Having a plan will help you make consistent healthy food choices.

Set yourself up for success every morning!!

Do you find yourself hitting snooze a few times before finally forcing your eyes open?  Is it hard to start your day before chugging a cup of coffee?  Is your morning a chaotic rush fest?  How we begin our day each morning sets the tone for the entire day.  Have you ever noticed the difference between a morning when you …

Set yourself up for success every morning!! Read More »

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